Privacy Policy

The use of this site implies acceptance of the privacy policy below. We recommend carefully reading it. The humanitarian association “Theoris Association” reserves the right to modify these provisions without prior notice. In accordance with the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, Law no. 190/2018, and the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data), the humanitarian association “Theoris Association” through its website, safely processes and only for the specified purposes, personal data that you provide to us about yourself, a family member, or another person (“personal data”) in order to fulfill the operations related to carrying out the specific activities of the humanitarian association “Theoris Association”.

You are required to provide us with personal data in order to make online donations via card and PayPal, as well as to be able to communicate with you. Your refusal results in the impossibility of placing online donations via card and PayPal.

According to Law no. 677/2001, you have the right of access, the right to intervene on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, and the right to address the courts.

Moreover, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you, and to request the deletion of data.

If any of your data is incorrect, please notify us as soon as possible at the email address:

The humanitarian association “Theoris Association” does not encourage SPAM, does not provide your email address to third parties other than contractual partners, does not sell, and does not offer email addresses obtained through the website to other individuals or legal entities.

The humanitarian association “Theoris Association” does not disclose your personal data to other individuals accessing the pages of this site without your explicit consent in this regard. However, your personal data may be transmitted to authorities authorized to verify commercial transactions or other authorities authorized to carry out any justified verifications under the law, if requested in accordance with applicable laws.

I. In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001, our donors and beneficiaries have the following rights:

1.) The right to information (Art. 12);

2.) The right to access data (Art. 13) – the right to obtain, upon request and free of charge, confirmation as to whether personal data concerning them are being processed by the data controller;

3.) The right to intervene (Art. 14) – the right to request from the data controller, by written request and free of charge, the following: a) rectification, updating, blocking, or deletion of incomplete, inaccurate, or unlawfully processed data; b) transformation of unlawfully processed personal data into anonymous data; c) notification of third parties regarding the operations specified in point. a) and b).

4.) Right to object (Article 15) – The right to object, free of charge and by written request, for legitimate and reasonable grounds related to their particular situation, to the processing of data concerning them.

5.) Right to appeal to the courts (Article 18) – The right to appeal to the courts to defend the rights guaranteed by law that have been infringed.

6.) Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Article 25).

II. Personal Information

By making an online donation with your card, through PayPal, via bank transfer, or through any other method provided by the association to you, or by entering into a sponsorship agreement as a beneficiary of a donation/sponsorship from the humanitarian association “Asociația Theoris,” and having personal information publicly posted, you agree that the provision of services or products presented on immediately upon completion of all required registration formalities.

The information provided by you must be accurate. By opting to make a donation or start a fundraising campaign as a beneficiary, you agree to provide us with accurate information including your name, address, and other relevant details.

For correcting or updating this information, please write to us via email at: By providing the requested information, you are responsible for all actions resulting from their use. The humanitarian association “Theoris Association” cannot be held responsible for errors resulting from the provision of false, inaccurate, or incomplete information.

III. Personal Data Security

By providing your personal data in the form for making an online donation with a credit card or through PayPal, by reading the bank transfer donation form and making a bank transfer donation, or when concluding a donation/sponsorship contract as a beneficiary, you declare that you unconditionally accept that your data. to be included in the database of the humanitarian association ‘Theoris Association’, according to the current legal provisions.

Accessing implies the acceptance by users/donors/beneficiaries that their personal data will be collected, stored, and processed by the humanitarian association “Theoris Association” for the purposes defined below, and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. Users/donors/prospective beneficiaries’ refusal to provide personal data results in the non-processing of donations and the non-conclusion of a donation/sponsorship contract with the humanitarian association “Theoris Association.”

IV. What personal data do we process:

1.) The data obtained for placing a donation: name, surname, phone number, email address;

2.) The email address when subscribing to the newsletter;

3.) The data obtained from the beneficiaries of fundraising campaigns: name and surname, age, locality, county, illness suffered, financial status, material needs, treatment, phone number.

V. The duration of personal data collection

For donors:
1.) The email addresses of donors, along with their names, surnames, and phone numbers, for donations made online with a card or through PayPal, will be kept in the database for a period of 3 years or until the user requests their deletion in accordance with the rights provided by Regulation 679/2016 regarding the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data.

2.) The donor’s name, surname, donated amount, and donation date will be publicly displayed throughout the fundraising campaign but not for more than 3 years. The campaign will be considered concluded when the campaign status is “COMPLETED”. When the fundraising campaign is “Completed”, the list of donors will no longer be made public, considering, according to the current legal provisions, that the donation has achieved its “goal”.

For beneficiaries:
1.) Each beneficiary of a fundraising campaign gives their consent for us to process and publish their personal data for the purpose of informing potential donors with the aim of collecting donations. In this regard, we process and publish the following personal data: name, surname, locality, county, health condition, financial status, marital status, phone number, age.

2.) For the conduct of accounting and legal activities (for the conclusion of the sponsorship contract), we process the following personal data, which are not made public: the full address of the beneficiary, series, number, and CNP (personal identification number) of the identity card.

VI. The legal basis / purpose for processing personal data and their mode of use:

1.) For placing and processing a donation;

2.) For identifying humanitarian and social cases that will be publicized on the website for the purpose of aiding them;

3.) For displaying on the website the personal data of the cases posted and publicized, so that the donor can have the minimum necessary information for the case for which they are donating, and to help them make the decision to donate;

4.) For sending SMS or email notifications to inform the donor about their donation, provide information about the case they donated to, or present other cases participating in the fundraising campaign.

VII. Where are personal data stored:

These are stored on secure servers by specialized companies and monitored 24/7.

VIII. For how long will the personal data be kept:

The data stored in our database1.) Personal data of donors who made donations through card or PayPal will be stored for a period of 3 years. The data to be kept for 3 years will include: name, email address, and phone number.

2.) According to point 1. as above, if a fundraising campaign lasts longer than 3 years, all personal data exceeding the 3-year storage period will be deleted.

3.) All personal data of donors who made donations via bank transfer will be kept in the database for a period of 3 years.

Displayed public data
1.) The personal data of donors who have made donations via card, PayPal, bank transfer, or any other donation methods, displayed publicly in the “Donor List,” including name and surname, will be deleted immediately after the completion of the case for which the donation was made.

2.) If the fundraising campaign lasts more than 3 years, all personal data that exceeds this duration will be deleted from the “Donor List.”

3.) The personal data of donors who have placed a “General Donation” will be deleted from the website within 1 month of the donation being published on the site. “The general donation” is the one made by accessing the red button in the top left corner of the website, with the text “Donate now”. The general donation does not have a specific destination towards a case, project, or action presented on the website. Also, a “General Donation” is that donation made through bank transfer, but for which the donor does not specify any destination. Personal data of donors who place general donations are stored in our database for a period of 3 years.

IX. Third parties that have access to personal data:

Third parties have access to personal data in order to facilitate the donation process and ensure it reaches the intended beneficiary in the end. Based on the service contract between the association and these third parties, they are legally obligated to maintain the security of the personal data accessed, viewed, or received from us. In this regard, these third parties are:

  1. The accounting firm – It has access to personal data for legal processing and fiscal documentation related to accounting.
  2. Developers – Access to personal data is also granted to the web development firms with which the association has a service contract. These firms are strictly responsible for the development and maintenance of the website, as well as the development of applications, extensions, scripts, etc.
  3. The hosting company – All personal data is stored on secure servers managed by a specialized company in this field, being monitored 24/7;
  4. Online payment processors – Online payment processors such as Stripe and PayPal also have access to personal data in order to facilitate online donations.
  5. The employees of the association – Authorized employees of the association have access to personal data for the purpose of supervising donations or updating them on the website. Also, access is granted for communication with donors regarding the status of donations, directing them, completing them, or informing about any errors that may occur during the donation process.
  6. Marketing: Meta (Facebook), Google (Google Ads, Google Analytics), TikTok, Brevo.

X. Getting consent regarding the collection, processing, storage, and usage of personal data:

The collection, processing, storage, and usage of personal data are done only after explicit consent from the donor and beneficiary. This explicit consent is obtained each time:

1.) The explicit consent for the collection, processing, storage, and use of personal data is obtained each time a donor makes an online donation with a card or through PayPal. Making an online donation on the website can only be done through and after accepting the “Terms and Conditions” of this site, by checking the box provided at the end of a donation.

2.) The express agreement for the collection, processing, storage, and use of personal data is obtained each time a donor makes a donation via bank transfer.

3.) The express agreement for the collection, processing, storage, and use of personal data is obtained each time a donor provides their email address to subscribe to the Newsletter.

4.) The express agreement for the collection, processing, storage, and use of personal data is obtained each time by the signature of the beneficiaries of fundraising campaigns.

XI. The integrity of personal data:

“In order to ensure the security and integrity of personal data, the humanitarian association ‘Theoris Association’ has taken the following measures:”

1.) It has trained its employees on the security and integrity of personal data;

2.) It has appointed a data protection officer;

3.) It stores all data on a secure server provided by a specialized company in the field. The server is monitored 24/7.

4.) Only employees with relevant duties have access to personal data. Access is granted based on a password and a username.

5.) All service contracts with third-party companies that have access to personal data have been supplemented with addenda in accordance with the new European GDPR regulations.

6.) We work with a web development firm that ensures the security and maintenance of the website.

XII. Access of donors to your personal data:

Donors and beneficiaries have the right to FREE and anytime access to their personal data.

1.) Donors and beneficiaries can request an extract of the personal data stored by emailing or by mail at the address: Asociația umanitară „Asociația Theoris”, str. Ion Neculce nr. 23, Ploiești, PRAHOVA, postal code 100359. Also, through the two addresses, you can request the deletion, rectification, correction, updating, or completion of personal data.

2.) Donors and beneficiaries can request an extract (in Excel format) containing their personal data stored in our database, which can be transferred to another data controller. They can be requested through a written request via email at the address:, or by mail to the address: str. Ion Neculce nr. 23, Ploiești, PRAHOVA, postal code 100359, only during the period when these dates are stored in our database.

XIII. The deletion of personal data:

1.) Donors and beneficiaries can request the complete deletion of personal data from our database by submitting a written request via email to:, or to the address: str. Ion Neculce nr. 23, Ploiești, PRAHOVA, postal code 100359;

2.) Our data protection officer will handle their deletion within a maximum of 5 working days from receiving the request via email or post.

3.) After their deletion, you will receive confirmation of the deletion of your personal data from us via email or post, accompanied by evidence to this effect.

4.) We will keep the electronic evidence of the withdrawal of consent transmission and the responses between the two parties.

5.) After the deletion of your personal data, we will notify third-party processors of this action.

XIV. Withdrawal of consent:

1.) The withdrawal of consent regarding the processing, storage, and use of personal data presupposes that initially the donor and/or beneficiary had given their consent for the collection, processing, storage, and utilization thereof.

2.) In this context, the donor and/or beneficiary have the right to withdraw their consent regarding the processing, storage, and use of your personal data at any time.


– If you have subscribed to the newsletter, you can unsubscribe by using the “Unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the newsletter.

– You can also request to unsubscribe from the newsletter by sending a written request via email to:, or by mail to the address: str. Ion Neculce nr. 23, Ploiești, PRAHOVA, postal code 100359;


– If you have sent us a message using the contact form from the “Contact” menu, all personal data has been collected strictly for the purpose of identifying you, receiving your message, and subsequently communicating with you.

– By providing this personal data, you implicitly consented/agreed for us to collect and use it for the aforementioned purpose.

– If you wish to withdraw this consent regarding the personal data collected through the “Contact” form, or if you want these data to be deleted from our database, you can do so by email at the address: or by mail at the address: str. Ion Neculce nr. 23, Ploiești, PRAHOVA, postal code 100359.

Our data protection officer will do this within a maximum of 5 working days, after which you will be notified by email or mail, accompanied by evidence to this effect.


– If you have made an online donation on the website via card, PayPal, or bank transfer, you have implicitly agreed to the “Terms and Conditions” of the website regarding the collection, processing, storage, and use of your personal data.

– You can withdraw this consent by sending a written request via email to: or by mail to the address: str. Ion Neculce nr. 23, Ploiești, PRAHOVA, postal code 100359.

Our data protection officer will do this within a maximum of 5 working days, after which you will be notified by email or mail, accompanied by evidence to this effect.


A public fundraising campaign can only be conducted if the beneficiary has previously entered into a sponsorship contract with the association, implicitly consenting to the collection, processing, and publication of personal data. In this regard, the beneficiary can request the deletion of personal data both during the fundraising campaign and after its completion.

XV. The procedure in case personal data has been accessed by an unauthorized person.

1.) If a cybersecurity breach has occurred, then the operator, the data protection officer, together with third parties responsible for the protection and security of information systems, will promptly resolve the cybersecurity breach.

2.) The data protection officer within the entity will assess the impact on the protection of personal data as soon as possible.

3.) If necessary, the affected person or persons will be contacted and informed about the issues that have arisen;

4.) Furthermore, the national authority for the protection of personal data will also be informed within a maximum of 72 hours.

XVI. Statements about cookies on the website

This website uses cookies. These are used for:
1.) to personalize content and advertisements;

2.) to provide social media features and to analyze traffic on the site;

3.) to provide social media partners, advertising networks, and analytics partners with information on how you use our website. They may combine and use them with other information provided by you or collected through the use of their services. If you choose to continue using our website, you agree to the use of these cookie modules.

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make their use more efficient, which are stored within your browser’s folder. Cookie-urile sunt acceptate de majoritatea browserelor pentru că, printre altele, ajută la o mai bună experiență când navighezi online utilizează aceste cookie-uri pentru a putea avea o evidență a clicurilor pe care dumneavoastră le dați pe linkurile din cadrul site-ului nostru. You can always delete these cookies from your browser.

The law stipulates that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages. You can withdraw your consent for the “Cookie Statement” on our website at any time. Your consent applies to the domain:

XVII. Fraud on the website

Any attempt to modify the content of the website or to hinder the server on which the website operates from functioning optimally will be considered an attempt to commit fraud. We reserve the right to take legal action against individuals who attempt or succeed in defrauding our website.

The humanitarian association “Theoris Association”

